Monday, September 8, 2008

oh my poor chocobutt~

Sigh~ Sometimes I worry about him like if he was my own kid or something OTL

Choco started work--well, training a week ago pretty much. He's been pretty stressed lately since he goes in at like 5 am and works until 3 PM or so. I know he's been doing perfectly in his training. My smart chocobutt aced all his tests and got the highest grade on his final in training (even though he missed ONE question. and he's still raging about it) but even then Im sure the fact that he's not home every day now is stressing him a bit.

Im doing my best to make him happy and help him relax when I do come over, and I know he's happy with my efforts, but how I wish I could be there everyday when he comes back from work like a good waifu~

And take his non-existant coat and then cuddle/etc stuff like that


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