Friday, September 19, 2008


He's my new prince-type character~ Name undecided, he's young and soon to be a heir to something important, but in the meantime he is a lazy boy and just wanders around his father's palace. He likes wine, sweets, Mexican and Italian food, and burgers. In his spare time he likes painting landscapes and he is very afraid of bugs~

He has kind of a slight tsundere personality, probably developed from boredom. Every morning he is woken up and dressed by his personal maid, whom he finds slightly annoying, then he walks himself to the dining room, where he greets his parents and eats breakfast. Day goes on like that, etc etc.

While he normally likes to be alone, or atleast is used to being alone, he gets tired of royal living easily. He likes heading over to the small villages around, surrounding himself in the simple pleasures that commoners get to enjoy.

I imagine his palace looking somewhat like Versailles, if not, the place itself.

Ah~ Making characters is fun

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