Thursday, September 18, 2008


What does it take to really get my mother to understand relationships are not about fucking all day?

Seriously. She thinks that, not only am I not old enough to even be interested in boys, but she assumes all I do all day is go over to Choco's house, and show him my ass and shake it around. Like some kind of assparty where we just rub our asses together all day. I mean, she's been married twice. You think an older "experienced in life" woman would know what relationships would be like, right?

Only bad thing is that back in her days all couples did was sit 10 feet appart from eachother and stare.

But really! Just because to her I'm the most immature thing ever, and I guess I am a little for ranting about it in a blog entry, she things I'm a huge slut.

This is how she thinks a day at his house goes.

He picks me up, and takes me to his house, where no one is. We're all alone, cause magically both Dan AND Tempered are working all day and Lokanas and David and all are never over sleeping all over the house. I go straight to his room where I get naked and rub my ass all over his room and jiggle it around for him. We proceed to more assshaking while playing gangsta rap in the background, while he squeezes my butt and I moan like a cheap porn star.

Now, while that would be pretty interesting, I dont really like to shake my ass. It jiggles and hurts after a little bit, so I dont see how I could even do it all day to rap or something.

What really happens at his house is:

He picks me up, we head to a few Goodwills and look at old keyboards because I swear Choco has an old keyboard fetish, and look at boots, because normally boots are fucking espensive everywhere. We go get breakfast or lunch depending on what time he picks me up. We eat that either on the way to his house or wherever we're going and talk about stuff, anime or games or friends. On an active day when we're staying around my house we head to more Goodwills, head to the arcade where we play DDR or Soul Calibur for a while.. Go to bookstores, etc. On a calm lazy day we head to his house, usually everyone is asleep so we take a nap for an hour or two. After that, we watch some videos usually, and play with Maya, walk around the house, cuddle. When Dan and Tempered or anyone wakes up we go and talk to them, watch Dan make breakfast, etc. We spend most of the day cuddling and hugging, and eating or something and watching movies or videos.



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