Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Marineer Stories Pt. 2 out of 3

(The California and on the way to and back etc etc) I dont really feel like typing the same way as before, so I'll just keep the title >:



BEFORE AH WENT TO MEXICO. WE GOT ON A PLANE TO LA. Southwest Airlines, nothing much interesting, I played Taiko and Phoenix Wright while I waited at the airport, and then i passed out on tha airplanelol. I wore this shirt that Choco gave to me as a present, cause I wanted something that had atleast some value to me so that I wouldnt feel like I was too appart from him. Bawwwww.(The shirt was previously his. GUYS MEDIUM GO. ) Anyways, I wore that shirt, with some.. kinda brown and green plaid shorts that I had bought from Forever21 along time ago, and my new loves-- my new (well, used) Rolands~ (RH-50 GO! ) and new black converse :3 I really like that outfit! Anywaysanyways, on the plane I sat by the wing, so after a while of staring..


Kinda looks like the cardcrusher facelol.

Anyways! We got off and rested at the toolshed ( which isnt actually that small. o_o ) and then the next day, spent the day at court with my stepdad. It was pretty great. I was playing alot of Phoenix wright in there, so I explained it to my stepdad, and then he got all his attorney friends and made me explain it to them..

And they ended up turns yelling out OBJECTION lolololol. Other than that I was sleepy all day long. I missed my incognegro too much to sleep the night before. >: We went around to some malls, and then went home, if I remember right. The day after, it was Saturday, so we went early to downtown L.A., which was kinda uncomfortable to me.. I mean, I like it.. a little bit.. Kinda.. But it just felt tooo dirty.

Anyways. I enjoyed heading to the toy district, where I bought some charms for my DS, and two pins, I think I lost one in Mexico though.

Im gonna go sleep so ill finish this tomorrow

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