When ah was a little Marineer, Mama Marineer ahways took us to Mexicow to visit the rest of the Marineer fahmily. Of course, ah never waanted to goo. But ah hahd to anyways.
This time, Mama Marineer left Big Sister Marineer in Marizona, and took us to Meeexico. Ah was stuck here for twooo whoole dang weeks. The first week ah crieeed like a little baby marineer. I wanted to go back to Marizona sooo bad. Ah missed my Choconeer so much ah thought ah was gonna die. I went to Aunt Marineer to get mah Mari hairs from mah headz cut, but the woman cut them tooo danggg short. >: Then the rest of the week my butt turned into like a Sentry gun that hand been sapped by no spah yet. Every time something passed into my stomach I pooped and pooped.
Moctezuma's REVENGE.Sometime that week, there were alot of soldiers on the street we were on, and they closed the street off. It was like 2 am and they all had guns so we all went to hide in another room for like an hour. Turns oyr they were examining a car and they found two dead bodies in the trunk. >: And that was like.. 10 feet away from the house we were in.
The second week ah went to the teef doctor to get mah teefs fixed. I was hoping he'd take my train tracks off mah teefs, but he said next time. I had to sit there like a dumb Mari with mah mouth open wide while he fixed my teefs. Then for like the rest of the week, my teefs hurt like crazy! They still hurt. While ah sat around playing my DS (Dual Sentry :V) ah steamrolled sum prosecutors in Phoenix Wright, and finished the whole game. Then, I played Taiko no Tatsujin and started reading red and blue notes as easily as stealin sum intelligencez. Raight now aahm playin sum Pokemans.
Just now I got back from the beach, were hopefully I tanned a bit. I made some sand castles, almost died from a wave, scraped my knee on sand, went in the pool, etc. My buttcrack must be full of sand :V
Some noteable things ah, the precious Marineer, did:
- Saved a Monarch butterfly. Poor little lady was strugglin on the floor. Ah put some leaves and water and flowers by it and it worked. after a while it started flying again.
- Built a ton of paper boats and let them float down the flooded streets :D Im such a skillfull Marineer.
- Dreamt I was punching my sister, and in my sleep I punched my cousin in the face irl.
Ah'll tell you little youngin's more of mah stories when I get back to Marizona tomorrow.