Wednesday, December 3, 2008


[15:11] [mari] GAME MANUELS
[15:11] [ikimasuwa] he's a Mexican-Tsundere
[15:11] [mari] Lok is totally tsundere
[15:11] [lokanas] What?
[15:12] [lokanas] o
[15:12] [lokanas] No
[15:12] [mari] "I-it's not like I wanted to make you dinner anyways.. S-Stupid.."
[15:12] [o___-] moe
[15:12] [ikimasuwa] MOE
[15:12] [mari] moe~


[18:03] [Hyperhal] mbac is showing lines
[18:04] [Hyperhal] why is it just now doing this
[18:04] [Hyperhal] mystic piece of shit
[18:04] [Mari] try stabbing a knife into your screen
[18:05] [Hyperhal] didnt work brb cleaning up plasma

oh man i love #mbac

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