Sunday, October 26, 2008

fun day~~ <3

Today was awesome. :3

Choco picked me up from home at.. 9 am or so, and we went to go see the new house before we got to his house!

The houses were amazing. It feels like you're in a completely different state! Anyways, we went home and took a nap, then after eating like two bowls of his delicious chicken fried rice, we headed to a bakery that I really wanted to go to. Arai Bakery! It was delicious Japanese pastries.

They had these adorable cream puffs that had little cream bunnies inside, with little happy faces and all~

Choco bought a slice of strawberry cake

And I got delicious fruit tart.
We ate them when we got home. :3 ALSO, right next to the bakery was a Japanese supermarket, so we decided to go in there soon. Choco and I instantly fell inlove. They had EVERYTHING. Choco bought himself like.. 25 dollars of sake. kekekeke And! Just as we were reaching the cashier, we saw something beautiful~

After finishing Seven Samurai, Choco drove me home and we shared the meronpan.

IT SERIOUSLY TASTES LIKE CONCHAS WTF. It was way better than the meronpan I baked. ;_;

1 comment:

Alex said...
