Thursday, March 6, 2008

forgetful! >:

I keep wanting to write entries and all, and then i totally forget and always never write anything. Anyways, to start off this blog, I guess it wont hurt to talk about life.

I found out today about a diet called the "No S" diet. It's no S because:

  • No Snacks
  • No Sweets
  • No Seconds

Except (sometimes) on days that start with 'S'

I've decided I'll start going with it this monday. I'd start today, but Im on that time of the month and i throw up everything i eat. >: I'll also start doing exercise and walk and all. Right now Im 130something pounds (I think) and my waist is at 29 inches. ( ;_; it used to be almost 27 before i went to mexico. waaah! D:)

My goal is hopefully around 120 pounds. I used to weight that, and then i got fat~ :D

Appart from that, Ive decided that I'll be nice to any future readers or anyone that stumbles along here and upload songs that i find.

The song for this entry is.....!!

Lucky Star PS2 opening~ ( ´∀`)!!

Its only the short version, since thats all I could get.

Upload is here:


1 comment:

Alex said... thin people who think you're fat.....