Saturday, February 28, 2009

forgot my picture



I want to buy something cute for myself~

A cute dress! A cute skirt! I want to feel cute!
Lately, I feel really cute in my grey skirt, black top, and my favorite black thigh-highs. I need more skirts though... I need money bawwwww.

...For some strange reason, I've been getting a little afraid of the dark again.
I need a choco and a flashlight to keep me safe from things in the night. ;_;

Friday, February 20, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

zetta cool

so man I finally got around to playing the world ends with you after a while and oh man, not only is joshua and his voice incredibly sexy, but Sho is pretty hot too :V


Sunday, February 15, 2009

2009 wtf

man this year is shitty as hell so far.

Okay, so I got super depressed, and ran away from home on the 17th of January. I seriously did not get very far. I ran to the bus stop accross the street, then took the bus for about 5 minutes, got off at a QT because its a certified Safe Place. I talk to the manager there, and he's all worried, so he lets me call a teen help line.
The lady is pretty nice, and me trying to be a good kid, i tell her i wanna call my mom to let her know Im okay. We do a three-way, and my mom screams and yells at me to come home and that the police are looking for me. I tell the manager I am not ready to go home yet, so he locks me up in the back of the store and does not let anyone get to me. After a while, two policemen kinda force their way through, and after talking to me and checking my bag for drugs, take me back home in the cop car.

My mom and I ignore eachother the rest of the night, and the next few days are just tears and blood. Soon after, my mom decides to try and convince me that she got a restraining order againt choco. Bullshit.

She didnt even know his last name. Soon I found out I cant see him by HER rules but Im fine with the law.

Anyways, she soon cancels the house phone service, and my cellphone has been canceled for months now, so Im left contact-less. Im grounded from the PC/Internet/friends/life and can only take my dog out for a walk before sunset.

My parents now keep an extremely close watch of my school performance, and my mom has me going to a Psychologist.. Psychiatrist, whatever the hell they are. For a while, the relationship between my whole family improved becuse of this, but now it has turned to hell. I seriously havent left my room for anything but food/pee/school in almost 4 days now.

My life really has turned into hell.

But on a brighter side, I bought a body pillow. Here, meet my waifu who will soon be on it.