Monday, April 7, 2008

hur hur. I'm such a nerd. :D I took these photos a while ago but i keep forgetting to update orz
anyways, here is a delicious souseiseki photo for anyone who reads this.

I've been stumbling across alot of music lately. :V I went on gikopoi the other day and met this awesome japanese guy named Kouga and he was playing alot of music. He seemed to like alot of american music like metallica and stuff, and he also liked avril lavigne o_o; Anyways at one point he was playing some music before he went off to get breakfast and it was pretty good. :V
He played Baby Portable Rock by Pizzicato Five.

Then after that I felt like listening to Otsuka Ai, and discovered Kingyo Hanabi... Which I cant find a video of wtf. THEN I FOUND AN AWESOME HAPPY SONG.



So anyways, that week i got an awesome balloon hat by some lady. she was all
"So, what kind of balloon do you want"
"I want.. Something that goes on my head!!"
"So a hat! Okay. What color?"
"This one!"
"Do you want a heart or a happy face or an alien face or..?"
"An.. An alien face!!!"

best hat ever.




Anonymous said...

Loli to cure the scars. Good thinking.

Alex said...

OMG *megasaves picture* I own half of what she's wearing.